Sunday, February 7, 2010

Peace of mind

So for the past week I have been focusing on myself and how to improve both my self imagine and how I present myself. So far it's really been working for me. I am staying on top of my lectures rereading them the day of or the day after they were taught. I have also been working out every night, which I've come to realize is much needed. It is a good stress reliever and gives me more energy to stay up later to do homework. I know my weeks will change with the new research opportunity but I think I can still incorporate working out everyday into my schedule because for my own peace of mind I need to. Running allows me to think more clearly, everything makes sense when I run. And the one main thing I have learned to realize is that personally I tend to overlook the good in people and focus on the bad. For instance, if they do something that I don't like I tend to over react on that one thing and don't remember all the other really good things they have done in the past. Like myself, people are only human and if I can easily make mistakes so can they. I need to appreciate things for what they are and be happy with that. I tend to live in the past and want things to be the way they were but I should be happy they once happened and hope for something better to come along. This is one of the major things I need to work on and I'm determined to change it. All I can do is learn from my mistakes and try not to repeat them again.

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