Sunday, January 31, 2010

This made me laugh, it's definitely true!

Series of unfortunate events

I am not the type of person who wants sympathy from anyone. I may overreact sometimes but what I deal with on a daily basis is enough to make anyone go crazy from the pain. I'm a pretty happy person despite everything but I have my moments when I don't feel like I can take any more unfortunate events. I know I'm not alone in this feeling, but it still non-the-less sucks beyond belief sometimes.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Little things like this would make me so incredibly happy, if they happened...

Sometimes I wonder...

I hate the "what if's" They will consume you if you let it.

Emotional reck

I know I am a very needy person, but you need to realize that I lost the one thing that matter most to me in the world, of course I'm going to be needy.

uhh pity party of one.

I wish life was different. Maybe thats why I cant really be truly happy, because I want things to be different, and some things to be how they were. I know that is a lot to ask and life just sucks like that but it just seems like one thing after another. I feel like people either die or leave in my life. No wonder I'm so insecure about things. Like I need constant conformation that I matter to someone, anyone. I just want things to be better and lately they haven't been. My dad's been talking about this and I usually just brushed it off because its just too much for me to handle. I know he's not making much money and since my mom's income is no longer coming in, he's been paying bills with his savings and the moneys dwindling. Therefore, he wants to sell the house. I know I have no choice on the matter at all and I would just be a brat if I said I didn't want to move but I really don't and it freaks me out. We put so much into this house, from scratch! And by we i mean my mom included. This house is my mom. Me and her painted the rooms together, decorated, planted, everything! She died in this house! Right in her room. It's HER room! I know that makes me seem like a brat but it's really comforting that she was once in this house and she decorated everything in it. I know it's just a house but it means so much to me, it's my home. And the back yard is my favorite part, it was just dirt and trees and we made it really pretty. I don't want to leave my pool =( He even mentioned not having a pool but all my life I always had a pool, an underground pool, I was spoiled. And last summer I didnt get to appreciate it that much. I take it for granted. I know it's a big house for just me and my dad, but I'm very attached to it. I know I have to deal with it and support this decision because it's not my dad's fault and I know he's probably feeling the same way, but it's just not fair and I feel like most things in my life aren't. My whole life is one big "not fair" statement. I literally cried when it sunk in that this time my dad really meant it. I was even helping him look at condos (wow never in my life would I think I would live in a condo) but on the inside I was trying my hardest not to break down. I felt it coming on and had to leave the room, went upstairs into my mom's bed and just sobbed, I feel like I would be leaving her in a way. I know I will eventually but right now I'm just not ready for it at all.

I know life can always be a lot worse but just ONCE I wish something would go right. Like I said before, just throw me a freaking bone, ugh!

Sometimes I don't know how I do it....

Friday, January 29, 2010

My life.

This thought occurred to me the other day while I was walking around campus and I thought it was interesting. It occurred to me because I walk around looking out for people that I would need to avoid, there are actually more people than I would imagine that I avoid like the plague. How did this happen? It's so high school. I'm such a nice person yet there are a lot of people I would rather not see. I mean it happens and it's just a fact of life, some people just suck. But then the other thought occurred to me was how I ALWAYS manage to see the people I do NOT want to see at all, yet people I would love to see, phill, pat, jennie, etc. who go to the same school as me, I rarely ever run into. It's like the universes little jokes on me. I know thats how it happens for everyone its just funny because then I think of how I haven't ran into Maria or Jess yet (hmm it would be very interesting to see their reactions lol) and we live around the same area and go to the same school and such, yet I see people randomly in places where I don't live, at adelphi and the most random was twice with pj and fitz, at Mcanns and RVC which will always make me laugh. Then it makes me think was it meant to be? haha no I'm not that delusional but it's just funny how it happens. Life is just one big joke sometimes, guess the only thing to do is to just roll with it.

A LOT of Weird dreams lately

I like to sleep because that is the one place I know I'll get to be with you. I wish reality was as great, but I know that is impossible.


I feel like this is definitely true

I wish there was a way to find out exactly what was wrong, it would make things easier to fix

hmm great way to get rid of awkwardness haha

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The art of being overwhelmed

I know I over think things way too much and get myself worked up over things that I can't control,
I know I can't make a final decision,
I know I don't know what I want,
I know I go back and forth with multiple things,
I know I need to work on it.

This week began with a BANG and I think that's why I felt so overwhelmed, there was no easing into this semester it came at full force and held no mercy. Just last week I was sleeping in until 12, going to work, and going out at night. Now I have to study and write papers and get up early, yikes. I'll get use to it as long as I remember to breathe and let loose every once in a while.

There is a difference between being tired from lack of sleep and from lack of life.

Being lively is a necessity in life, I make the mistakes of being wrapped up in my studies which is good but to a point. If all I do is study then I lose sight of having fun and get too overwhelmed, going out with good people is a good stress reliever. Sometimes I take life too seriously. I need a balance.


All the time with a lot of 'someones'

Dear Life,

Throw me a bone, please.

Okay thanks.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm itching for a new crush
I'm itching for a new tattoo
I'm itching for something new with my hair
I'm itching to move out on my own
I'm itching for new adventures
I'm itching for greatness with my life but I think my inability to handle stress, my tiredness and procrastinating attitude will be my downfall.

I am my own worst enemy.

"Be gentle with yourself.
You’re trying.
That’s all you can ask for.
If you don’t get it today,
you can try again and get it tomorrow."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reading this book gives me hope in a different light

"Jane realized it was time she truly let go of whatever feelings she harbored for Braden and move on to something real"

Post-it on my mirror

"Beauty catches the eye,
Personality catches the heart"

I need to remember that I may not be the prettiest girl in the world by any means,
but I do have a charming personality, I just have to make them see it.

Whoa today was exhausting but at least I'm being productive

Sunday, January 24, 2010

oh my god. This was meant for me

New Semester Goals

ACE pharmacology
Do great in Biochem
Make new friends
Step out of my comfort zone
Start foundation for my future
Never give up
Have fun because its my last semester of college =( bitter/sweet

Let tomorrow be the start of something new, something beautiful =)

If you're lucky

Boys from my past.

On repeat

"All this time I was wasting
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down"

I've been listening to a lot of Taylor swift lately, I even referred to her as T Swift one time, no I don't want to talk about it. haha but yeah I know I shouldn't because she reminds me of people I'd rather not think about. But her lyrics are good sometimes and it's like a wow yes that is exactly how I feel, and I love when that connection happens with a song. I hate that its with this chick but what can you do lol. I also hate that every time one of my favorite songs of hers 'hey stephen' comes on I'm reminded that it's his favorite song too, I even know the reasons why and I picture him singing it in the back of jess' car, back when things between us weren't as complicated. Memories suck sometimes, especially when things are completely different now. It's ok I just wish our relationship was how it was, but then I'd just probably be in "love" with my best friend, ugh. And like good ol' T swift says I can't keep wasting my time waiting around for him.

Post-it note on my mirror

"He does NOT like you.
And that is OKAY!"

I'm trying this new thing where I say that things are okay over and over again in hopes that they will become true, that I will be okay... positive thinking!

I'm thinking of changing them every once in a while or adding more
just so I can see them every morning and be inspired.


I'm overwhelming

"STOP trying so hard."

This is my problem, I love that I take chances but I try so hard to get someones attention and to hold it,
which in fact is what makes them lose interest.

True fact---- Want something so badly and you'll never get it no matter how hard you try, but the second you don't care about it it shows up on your doorstep.

Friday, January 22, 2010

And for once that's okay.

"Just because he didn't see your brilliance does NOT mean no one else will"

I want someone to feel for me half the emotion I felt for you.

So this is what it feels like to accept defeat... it's strange.

we were never right for each other.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Truth. oyeeee

"The truth was, Jane would have preferred to spend any night on a non-date with Braden than a real date with a cute guy she really didn't care about."


For a year now, you've inhabited my heart, and I know I've been going back and forth for a while now. And I think the inner confusion is my answer. I don't need you, nor want you. I need something new. I want someone who wants me, not someone I have to convince. I get mad at you because I want you to want to be with me. I would jump at the opportunity to hang out with you and I know the feeling is only one sided. Or at least I need to believe this. I know myself and I know I can't walk away without a fight, so maybe that's why I'm trying to pick a fight with you. I did it before. And for months there it worked. You think I'm crazy and probably don't want to deal with me, and that's fair enough. You can't be the guy I want you to be, it's not your fault it's more mine because I expect you to be someone you're not so you constantly let me down.

Steps Forward.

I think I need to....

Take more chances,

Step out of my comfort zone,

Meet new people,

Try new things,

Let loose a little,

Talk to complete strangers,

Do more fun things,

Stop living in the past,

I need more adventures.

Style is Eternal

Self Sabotage.

I should probably think before I react....

I kind of find it funny how I always seem to screw things up by my reactions, emotions, words... I seem to look at the amusing aspect of it (i.e how stupid I can be) because it beats the alternative.

It's all about the confidence

"No one is as good as me,

they just have better marketing schemes"

Or better flirting skills...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I don’t care what you think
As long as it’s about me

The best of us can find happiness
In misery

Oh, take a chance, let your body get a tolerance,
I’m not a chance, but a heat wave in your pants.

Just plain dumb.

What do I want?!?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Betsey knows

A mutual addiction

ughhh whyyyyy

For a split second

It still ceases to amaze me how the smell of her perfume brings me back to her, it knocks the breath out of me. Because for a split second I'm in her arms again. It definitely makes it worse after the second is over, but its my guilty pleasure, anything that livid a memory of her I could never stop. In a weird way its more comforting than anything else.

I'm surprised I don't smell it that often, but I guess I'm afraid it will become too familiar and I will lose the incredible memory.

She will never fully understand my misery.

The way Christine talks about my mom (yes mine) on fb and myspace angers me. She talks about how she lost someone to cancer and how upsetting it is. It's all a lie. Does she know the feeling of getting a phone call from your mom telling you she has cancer? The complete helplessness of knowing you can't do a damn thing about it? Not being able to get in touch with anyone at the hospital and sitting on the kitchen floor hyperventilating? Driving around the hospital trying to find a parking space for an hour hysterical crying because all you want to do is see her? Lying to yourself that everything will be okay and saying it over and over again? The sympathetic looks and pity from people you've known your whole life? Hearing her puke every single day? Saying to God how much you hate him for how much pain she was in and if she died we'd be done? Wishing it was you instead? Trying to get her to eat something? The moment you heard your mom was going off chemo? The moment you realized what that really meant? The hospice nurse coming in and telling you how you're suppose to deal with this situation? Watching her die?! Hearing her talk complete nonsense from all the drugs? Hearing her last words? Hearing her moaning in pain? Laying with her a few hours before she took her last breath, telling her its okay for her to give in because I knew how much pain she was in, lying to her in her incoherent state, because in no way was it ever okay? Being woken up by your dad and being told the worst words in the world "Shes gone"? Watching your strong tough dad cry? Being in a funeral full of people while you're trying so hard no to be hysterical? Going home laying on the floor crying until there was nothing left? Talking to her picture out loud because you miss her that much? listening to her phone say 'Lauren' in her voice over and over again? Smelling her perfume to be reminded of her hugs? Missing her every single day of your life to the point where it literally does not stop hurting? Feeling completely lost and alone without her?

She has NO idea how it feels like to lose a loved one to cancer, not even close. How dare she try to act like she does.

walk away or give in?

to be happy

Monday, January 18, 2010


I don't believe that you like me,
I still believe that I can make you fall for me.

For reasons I will never know.
For something that will never happen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ugh so appropriate that I was throwing up all night and couldn't sleep at all.
For reasons unknown.
Worst feeling.
Like I'm literally making myself sick.
Hopefully I feel better for tonight.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fuck you 1% fuck you.

I actually went through old pictures and stuff and I realized he doesn't like me simple as that. Yea he can treat me nice but he also treats me like shit, its not okay and very deja vu. I've done this twice already where I stop talking to him because he's just not a nice person and then months go by and I forget about it and then I see him and am reminded of why I liked him in the first place because he's nice to me to keep me around for reasons I will never know. But it's really all a lie. He may care for me but it doesn't go that far. I always wondered how he would act with someone he did like and I now know the answer, he liked Jess, it's clear now. I ignored it then because it was too hard to face. He never acts the way he did with her. Maybe it's a different kind of "like" but I'm done with this little bit of hope I still have for him. And how he can make me think that I'm not good enough for him. He makes me feel fat and ugly and while those may or may not be true he doesn't have any right to make me feel bad about myself, I do that enough. My gut is screaming at me that he doesnt like me, I should trust it. I'm just a hopeful person simple as that. But this shit is getting old. He is nothing special at all. He's just familiar and I'm bored. I think I just wanted so badly to prove everyone wrong, including him, that we were right for each other. But when you're batting against the person involved its a losing battle. You win pj. I will stop bothering you. White flag in. I'm done.

bonded by the pain of life

I found this in a random bathroom at school and it was so sad and inspirational at the same time

My downfall

Lies from the past

Tell me,

you feel absolutely nothing

and I'll let this thing go.


"She knew that he was unforgettable..
& it was impossible for them to just be friends."

"I tried to forget you but then I saw you that day and all feeling rushed back, because good or bad at least you made me feel something."
... I was bored with life

"I would rather be fighting with you than not talking to you at all"

"I miss you. I don't care how many months have gone by, or how bad you hurt me in the past, this feeling doesn't seem to go away, no matter how hard I try... I want you back in my life."

"I shouldn't need anyone but myself.
I shouldn't want anyone.
But, nevertheless I want you.
I want you in a hundred different ways.
A hundred different kinds of pain."

"Why is it the only person you want to be with is the one that can make you cry in a second" (I'm such a brat when things don't go my way)

"It's all about taking chances and thats just life"

"Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?"

"It is not telling you how I feel that scares the hell out of me it's what you'll say back."

"Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I feel, of what I've said, of who I am, of what you think of me but most of all I'm scared of not knowing"

"Isn't it funny how you can still get butterflies in your stomach, even though you have known the person for years." ....every freaking time

"You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump."

"It's weird how sometimes things just have to happen to see how you actually feel about someone."
....If I kiss you will you kiss me back?

"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do 
Possible she wants you too 
There is one way to ask her 
It don't take a word
Not a single word 
Go on and kiss the girl"      (I love the little mermaid)

"Lets be lovers tonight, and go back to being best friends tomorrow." ... will you? can I?
"After all this time you still have this amazing power to make me feel absolutely crazy each time I see you." 
"Maybe this girl is perfect for you. And that really scares the hell out of you, doesn't it?"
"I know he cares, it's just a strange complicated situation that doesn't make sense but the best you could do is go with it and just hope for the best but expect the worst" 
         ....yeppp that pretty much sums it up.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Seriously the universe likes to play jokes on me. My whole life is one sad joke. I try not to let it get to me I really do but this is ridiculous. I just can't anymore. I'm done playing this game, I quit.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This just screams go for it

In the End, we only regret the Chances we didn’t take

the Relationships we were scared to have

and the Decisions we waited too long to make

There comes a time in your life when

you Realize who Matters

who doesn’t

who never did

and who Always Will

So don’t worry about the People from your Past

There’s a Reason they didn’t make it to your Future.


That last one gets me everytime


I dont know why it only took me a small amount of time to fall for you again. I went months without talking to you and I was fine, I didn't once think of texting you, maybe I was mad that you hadn't texted me, and sometimes I can be very proud. However, seeing you again and talking to you made me remember why I liked you and reminded me how good we are together. Then we'd text and the things you were saying really got to me, you can be so sweet when you want to be. Then you actually call me and this wasn't the first time we've talked on the phone but the other times were when I told you we shouldn't be friends and you called me to convince me otherwise. I still will never understand why you fought for that, or why you stuck around, even now. I should give you more credit for that. I went back and forth so many times and dragged you along with me, and you're still around telling me that you don't hate me. The thing is I still have a lot of insecurities about that, thinking that you judge everything I do, that you talk shit to feez, or the one thought that will make me crazy, that you only hung out with me because of jess. Because when I'm trying to figure out how you feel I think back to our times together and how we hung out all the time, but then I think it was because Jess would tag along, I dont know if this is true and I know I shouldnt bring it up but the thought kills me. I know I need to let it go completely because I will always resent you for that. But on the other hand you havent mentioned them not even once, maybe you got the hint that I dont want to talk about them. Even when I mentioned the june 6th party and you said about that famous game where feez got the last cup behind the back (I forgot about that) you didnt mention who my partner was, which I was very gracious of. I can sit here and say you just used me to get closer to her but then why are you around now, when you know there is no chance for that to happen. Or why did you never try to hang out with them without me. These are my own fears and I know I have to forget about them but theyre on the back of my mind. You do seem different now, trying to be a good friend, but I'm not sure what that means. I think you may like me at least a tiny bit because if you dont then I would really like to know how you act with someone you do like. But there are things that you do that tell me you don't like me, and my gut feeling is saying you don't. But my mind and heart say you do... I dont know which one will win in the end. I think I make excuses for you and am blinded because I want my suspicions to be true. I feel crazy and right back where I was last year. And if that taught me anything its that I should trust my gut feeling. But (and theres always a but) I want to try with you to know for sure because I cant keep dragging myself along in hopes that one day you'll make a move, I need to be realistic and chances are that will never happen. I'll pay more attention to your actions and try to interpret them, I just wish this was easy. It is true that how you feel about me has always been up in the air, I should probably just go for it. I'm not a boring, ugly, terrible person, why wouldn't you like me?! I feel like you're holding back and I dont understand why, why can't you just let yourself like me. I feel like you're stopping us from happening and I really don't know why. You havent had a girlfriend or just a girl in awhile now, did she screw you up that badly?! Is that the reason why I feel that you like me but you won't do anything. Maybe thats it. because its like as soon as we get close, you close yourself off, and it usually leaves me confused as hell, is that your defense kicking in? Now what do I have to do to change it. I figured you would see I'm different but then again I do act crazy when it comes to you. I act mean and tease you as a defense mechanism so you don't know how much I really do like you, even though its completely obvious. You've said jokely to me that maybe I should be more nicer to you and its true I really should be but I think it'll just come off weird because I'm not one to try to feed into your ego. But I think thats all an act and you really are insecure about things. You may like me but you just don't want all the issues that come with a relationship or the vulnerability, but thats a dumb reason to subside your feelings. Hmm I think writing this out made me realize something, I think I know what I need to do. We'll see.

Actions vs. words

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Recipe for disaster

I let my guard down, when did that happen? I know I'll probably get hurt. I want you to surprise me, you have thus far, but I need to be realistic. I can't afford to get crushed [again] A lot has changed in a year, is it for the better? Or am I right back where I started?

dreams are better than reality

This makes me want to give it a try because I know I would be so upset if he found someone else. It would kill me. I'm fortunate he hasn't already. But I haven't either. But then I think of 500 days of summer and when you meet someone you just know, the complicated ones are the ones that don't work out, or is life just complicated and I'm analyzing too much. Each situation is different right?! I don't know if I'm talking myself into it or out of it. I don't know what I want, but I know more and more I want you unlike before and that scares the hell out of me.

Cant wait for warm weather

You have a lovely face too

Only blood.

Apparently I have a niece and nephew I don't know about, its weird seeing their picture. I can't describe the feeling, a part of me could care less and another part is sadden by it. I'm sad at how christine's life is turning out and fortunate for my own. It makes me appreciate mine so much more. I hate that she says she misses mom because she walked away from us awhile before she got sick. But at least I got to be close with mom and she knew how much I love her. Christines letting herself go really badly, she had better genes than I did with a fast metabolism and now shes big, thats just sad. And shes not doing anything with her life. In a way I'm glad she has her kids because that would suck if she was alone but she chose that life. I just hate that I will probably never get to know them, I'm kind of curious but out of respect for my parents (especially my mom) I will never open that door. I have my loyalty to the people who made me who I am today. I am motivated because of my parents and will do greatness with my life in honor of them and especially in spite of their other daughters. I am doing my life right because they were awesome parents, idk how the other two got so screwed up. I always promised I would be the best daughter for them, graduate become a doctor and have a real wedding, a real pregnancy and live next door to them... I just wish my mom was here to see that.

Can boys ever be just friends?!

Is the attraction real? Do you feel it? Something's different. You're acting nice but you still make fun of me like you always do because you like pushing my buttons. But its okay because I like doing it back. We text all the time, you call me and we talk on the phone for hours as you listen to my pointless girl babble. You make it a point to tell me that you DO NOT hate me all the time. You reassure me because you know I'm very insecure about that and when I kept going back and forth for months now, you didn't once say forget it you're not worth it. I really did put you through a lot and you still want to be friends. You act miserable the whole time during a party until the moment I talk to you. We bicker. We have inside jokes. You act quiet and just stare at me when you think I don't notice (what are you thinking about? you and me?) We have really good chemistry, and I'm very picky with that. We can have dinner together, just you and me and end up staying for hours just talking. We stay up all night just talking. We just get along so well, better than you and any other of my friends. They say you're awkward but I know you're not, not even close at least with me. We're too comfortable with each other and that scares me because I tell you more than I should but I know you do the same. We have such sexual tension that kills me sometimes... All that is NOT normal. I wish you had balls enough to just grab me and kiss me. I know you want to, I can feel it because I want you to. I just never know if you will. I'm told I should just go for it but despite my feelings that you wouldn't object, I'm scared as hell of the rejection I seem to always get from you. But the thing is it was never from you personally. Would you just hook up? I mean there are signs that you would but the fear will stop me from trying. But I need to man up because not knowing is killing me more than the rejection would (I think). And honestly if you reject me, like deanna said, your sexuality will be questioned haha. I know the attraction is there I just don't know what it means to you, or if I should act on it. I know it will be a "Finally!" when it happens but I'm not use to making the first move, you're the boy, I'm the girl. On paper we sound right for each other, why are things so complicated in real life?!

Is it a myth?

Why is it so difficult to find a good guy?! Is he out there?

Remember these? I wish life was this simple and the answer would always be yes

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Just so you know

Because then he is not worthwhile

I want butterflies again

The latter

Is there a fine line between fighting and passion?! And when will it be crossed?! Will it ever?! Are you too proud?! Or am I delusional.

Impress no one.

It should never be about showing off and trying to be the prettiest, funniest, smartest person to win the boy over. It shouldn't be like that, it should be he likes you for who you are even when you're not so pretty and when you're hysterical laughing at the stupid thing you just said or did, that is when he should realize how great you really are and how stupid he is for the time he wasted. Don't you want someone who loves you for who you are and not for the perfect image you think he wants in hopes that he will finally notice you?! If he didn't already, his loss. Move on.

as simple as that

How it should be

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lifeless body

Today I gave up. It was a strange feeling. A feeling of complete emptiness. But my insides still hurt. I sat on my floor and yelled I give up. Too many bad things happen to me. I couldn't handle it. I've never given up like that before....Something changed.

A kiss on the cheek

"...and you keep telling yourself that that one tiny, insignificant detail that he said or did was different and could somehow show something that you hope against all odds is true, and you dwell on it, making it bigger than it really is and you lie to yourself saying just maybe this time will be different and maybe that gesture means something, because it is better than this feeling of utter loneliness, but trust me, it is and will always be nothing. You will always be nothing."


I miss having a party and people being with me when I fell asleep and to help in the morning deal with the mess from the night before. I hate feeling alone. And even worse being alone.

Today I had a party and ended the night crying, I dont know exactly why I cried, I just dont like feeling alone and feeling like nothing good ever happens to me, EVER! and how ugly I am and how no one really likes me and kind of feeling used.... again. I dont know, all I know is i actually cried when I thought of my mom because I need her, I need someone to actually care that I'm not okay, not even close. Honestly wouldnt even care being dead right now. And that scares me more than anything. I just want something to go good in my life, and for me to feel appreciated. I do so much for people, would I get the same in return?! or even a thank you?! is that so much to ask?! I care and try to help when other people are upset, do they care at all with me?!

I'm not a terrible person, why cant someone anyone like me?! like seriously WHAT THE FUCK?!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

He wont change.

When you marry a Tiger
You gotta love stripes
Cause it’s his stripes you will see
when you climb into bed very night
No, you won’t ever change ‘em
no matter how hard you try
and your Tiger will have stripes
till the day that he dies

But if you married a Leopard
He will always have spots
So you had just better learn
to love what you’ve got
Cause you won’t ever change ‘em
no matter how hard you try
and your Leopard will stay spotted
Why would you ask why?

If you fantasize a soft kitten
curling up in your lap
the Porcupine you married
Will never do that
But if you try to change him
you surely will cry
So love your little Porcupine
and kiss the fantasy goodbye

Stop always wanting
What he ain’t got
and stop trying to change him
into something he’s not
Just be sure that you love him
the way that he tis
Tiger, Leopard, or Porcupine
He is, what he is.

Friday, January 1, 2010


It's hard to fall asleep when I miss you [whoever you are]

ohhhh 10

Heart always overrules the brain

New year Fresh start let 2010 be a better year for me, please

Should I remind you?!

Is it true that guys just simply overlook their feelings and don't obsess as much as girls do. Does the saying "Out of sight out of mind" apply to guys? Or is their lack of effort proof that they're not really that interested? Don't we want someone who's willing to chase us? Or do guys brains function differently? Are they interested but life just gets in the way? Are they afraid of rejection? If we don't hang out or talk do they just forget?

New years Resolution

For 2010 I want to fall in love, in every sense of the word.

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