Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Unfixable Causes.

"I've learned a lot this past year.
I've learned that things don't always
turn out the way you planned it,
or the way you think they should.
And I've learned that there are things
that go wrong that don't always
get fixed or get put back together
the way they were before.

I've learned that some broken things
stay broken
, and I've learned
that you can get through bad times
and keep looking for better ones,
as long as you have people who love you."

I couldn't have said this better if I wrote it myself.

Today priya dropped me off at my car which was really nice since I didn't have to take the bus, and just a few cars from mine was Jess' car. This was the first time I've seen it since we stopped talking, its crazy how I haven't even seen her since the beginning of summer. Then I thought why can't we just be friends?! why cant we just suck it up and be nice? It doesn't seem that hard, why does this feel like middle school?! Aren't we more mature than this?! What happened with us was just so dumb! but then I realized that she doesn't want to fix this and she wants to act immature, and that is her prerogative. Because some things that go wrong can't always get fixed (no matter how hard I tried to fix them) and that's just how life goes. A year ago that would've been either maria or jess dropping me off at my car, and this year its Priya who is the sweetest girl in the world and would never do anything to hurt anyone. It's friends like her that make me appreciate not being friends with people who caused me lots of stress in the past.

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